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12000BPH PET Bottle Mineral Water Production Line Delivered To Our Nigerian Client

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Sometimes this year, one of our Nigerian clients who had earlier purchased a 10000BPH PET bottle mineral water production line contacted us again to purchase a 12000BPH mineral water production line.

 PET bottle mineral water production line

We were beyond thrilled knowing that our previous work had opened the door for a bigger and better opportunity to do the work we love.


As is our custom, we got back to our client to fix an online meeting date and time because of the pandemic. 

 PET bottle mineral water production line

During the meeting, we exchanged pleasantries as we knew one other from our previous working relationship.


As we always do, we asked detailed questions about the specifics of their production line. 


We asked what they would genuinely require and if there were any changes they would like to be made as compared to the previous one we had delivered to them.


They commented that they were already really impressed with the previous one and just wanted more machinery and resources to serve their expansion.  We collected all the necessary information and got to work.


Upon our return to the factory, we gave our top engineers the design blueprint and asked them to start work immediately. Only a few days after this was the machine ready; we put it through several tests to ensure it was fit for delivery.

 12000BPH PET Bottle Mineral Water Production Line Delivered To Our Nigerian Client

For the guests to be able to produce smoothly as soon as possible, the factory repeatedly ran trial production tests.  We then contacted our very excited Nigerian clients and made plans to get the machine to them. 


We knew there was an epidemic, so we were very safety conscious throughout the process- from order to delivery.  We delivered the production line smoothly, with very minimal human contact, paying attention to all the safety measures. 


Upon delivery, our clients put the machines through various tests themselves, this is a procedure we always encourage because we aim to only deliver the best. After the tests, they observed that the machine was fit and ready for work.

 12000BPH PET Bottle Mineral Water Production Line Delivered To Our Nigerian Client

Client’s feedback

A few weeks later, they got back to us, giving us feedback on the production line operations and how it has greatly helped in easing the tasks and even finances of their company.


This is what the message we got from their representative


“Thank you so much for such a high-quality production line. All of us are beyond impressed and so glad that we chose to work with you again. Our workers are thanking us for the improved ease and automation that the machine has provided for our company, and to think we got to purchase it at such an affordable rate. We would definitely recommend you to other companies that we know and come again to work with you. In fact, this purchase was a good way to wrap up business operations for 2020”


We were beyond excited for this feedback, as we worked very hard to earn it.  We also want to use this medium to thank all our previous customers, the ones that have referred us to other people and the ones that keep coming. 


Our company growth is only possible because of you and it is such an honour to get to serve all of you. 


Kindly contact us to purchase the high-quality, affordable bottle mineral water production line that your company needs.

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